Comprehensive Dentistry


Dr. Mark Link explains how the term "comprehensive dentistry" means so much more than a simple list of procedures. For the team at Link Dental, it means considering each aspect of a patient's oral health–from the teeth and gums to the jawbone and jaw joints. Even beyond that, we focus on how the mouth is linked to whole-body wellness and quality of life.

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1 00:00:06.917 --> 00:00:10.767 The way to think about comprehensive dentistry is to think way out, 2 00:00:10.983 --> 00:00:13.467 zoom way out and think about the patient first. 3 00:00:13.525 --> 00:00:14.783 Who is this person? 4 00:00:15.300 --> 00:00:19.550 What are their anxieties? What are their concerns? 5 00:00:20.067 --> 00:00:22.108 What are their specific problems? 6 00:00:22.242 --> 00:00:24.183 What are the options to those problems? 7 00:00:24.283 --> 00:00:26.883 When we speak about comprehensive dentistry, 8 00:00:26.884 --> 00:00:29.142 it's not about different procedures, 9 00:00:29.143 --> 00:00:33.483 it's about this idea of looking at the entire mouth. 10 00:00:33.542 --> 00:00:37.817 Restoring a mouth is a little bit like restoring a home or building a home. 11 00:00:39.092 --> 00:00:41.700 First, you have to have a good foundation. 12 00:00:41.720 --> 00:00:43.320 If you don't do have a good foundation, 13 00:00:43.350 --> 00:00:47.633 then everything you build on top of it is going to be worthless. 14 00:00:48.592 --> 00:00:53.018 In dentistry, a good foundation has to do with healthy jaw joints, 15 00:00:53.067 --> 00:00:56.275 healthy soft tissues, and bone support for your teeth. 16 00:00:56.758 --> 00:00:59.925 Then the teeth, of course, then become the house. 17 00:00:59.970 --> 00:01:02.167 The teeth become the thing that we look at, 18 00:01:02.400 --> 00:01:03.583 and we function with. 19 00:01:03.675 --> 00:01:08.333 But without that foundation, they're not going to last very long. 20 00:01:08.617 --> 00:01:10.550 So comprehensive dentistry means 21 00:01:11.150 --> 00:01:14.517 addressing the foundational issues before you build the house. 22 00:01:15.075 --> 00:01:18.258 The benefits of having a healthy mouth, 23 00:01:18.350 --> 00:01:21.217 we used to think were just local to the mouth, 24 00:01:22.008 --> 00:01:25.442 but we now know that actually, the mouth is part of the body, 25 00:01:25.592 --> 00:01:28.908 and it's very intimately related to the health of the body. 26 00:01:28.950 --> 00:01:35.083 There's again, studies that show that if you smile, people smile back. 27 00:01:35.217 --> 00:01:37.058 It improves the quality of your life. 28 00:01:37.075 --> 00:01:40.275 People who have a beautiful smile actually get paid more. 29 00:01:41.617 --> 00:01:47.575 They earn more, and they are, generally speaking, happier people.

Link Dental Colorado

Welcome to Link Dental Colorado in Centennial, CO. Our team of dental professionals is led by Dr. Thomas Reed, Dr. Mark Link, and Dr. Jean Link. We are your link to comprehensive, compassionate, and family-friendly dentistry. Our affiliations include:

  • The American Dental Association (ADA)
  • The Colorado Dental Association (CDA)
  • The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD)
  • The American Academy of Facial Esthetics (AAFE)
  • The Metropolitan Denver Dental Society (MDDS)
  • American Academy of Clear Aligners (AACA)
  • American Society of Implant and Reconstructive Dentistry (ASIRD)
  • American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM)

To request a consultation at our Centennial office, please fill out our form or call us at (303) 773-8262.

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