Dr. Mark Link


Dr. Mark Link comes from a family of dental professionals. He chose to become a dentist himself because it's an ideal way to combine his love of art, science, and connecting with others. For Dr. Mark, the most rewarding part of the job is seeing patients leave our Denver, CO, office feeling more confident in their oral health and appearance than ever before.

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1 00:00:06.757 --> 00:00:09.900 Dentistry is a bit like DNA in my family. 2 00:00:10.171 --> 00:00:15.229 I have two brothers who are dentists, a sister who's a dental hygienist. 3 00:00:15.557 --> 00:00:19.570 My father was a practicing dentist for 54 years. 4 00:00:19.571 --> 00:00:22.028 I became a dentist because early on 5 00:00:22.029 --> 00:00:27.299 I enjoyed math and I enjoyed science and I enjoyed biology, 6 00:00:27.300 --> 00:00:30.271 and dentistry is a good meld of all of those things. 7 00:00:30.857 --> 00:00:32.357 But in addition to that, 8 00:00:32.557 --> 00:00:36.020 I could never see myself just being behind a computer. 9 00:00:36.021 --> 00:00:37.169 I love people. 10 00:00:37.170 --> 00:00:38.680 I love dealing with people, 11 00:00:38.710 --> 00:00:42.820 and I love helping people solve their very personal problems. 12 00:00:44.014 --> 00:00:46.260 Dentistry is an art, and it's a science. 13 00:00:47.186 --> 00:00:48.886 I love both aspects. 14 00:00:49.290 --> 00:00:50.940 I enjoy patient care. 15 00:00:50.970 --> 00:00:53.320 I enjoy the outcomes. 16 00:00:53.321 --> 00:00:58.886 I enjoy having patients, in many cases, their smile can be transformed, 17 00:00:58.887 --> 00:01:01.429 and in so doing, it transforms their lives. 18 00:01:02.043 --> 00:01:04.714 I mean, it sounds corny to say that, 19 00:01:05.314 --> 00:01:08.480 but we've had people give us hugs and cry and so on. 20 00:01:09.314 --> 00:01:10.714 It's a very rewarding 21 00:01:10.715 --> 00:01:14.643 and a very spiritually rewarding profession to work in. 22 00:01:15.320 --> 00:01:18.228 I want my patients to feel that we're not in a rush, 23 00:01:18.229 --> 00:01:21.050 and I want them to feel that they are in good hands 24 00:01:21.080 --> 00:01:25.500 and that the outcomes that they will receive here will be really high quality. 25 00:01:25.886 --> 00:01:29.920 We just have so many awesome people and so many talented people. 26 00:01:29.921 --> 00:01:32.700 I feel privileged to get to know them.

Link Dental Colorado

Welcome to Link Dental Colorado in Centennial, CO. Our team of dental professionals is led by Dr. Thomas Reed, Dr. Mark Link, and Dr. Jean Link. We are your link to comprehensive, compassionate, and family-friendly dentistry. Our affiliations include:

  • The American Dental Association (ADA)
  • The Colorado Dental Association (CDA)
  • The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD)
  • The American Academy of Facial Esthetics (AAFE)
  • The Metropolitan Denver Dental Society (MDDS)
  • American Academy of Clear Aligners (AACA)
  • American Society of Implant and Reconstructive Dentistry (ASIRD)
  • American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM)

To request a consultation at our Centennial office, please fill out our form or call us at (303) 773-8262.

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