Aesthetic Dentistry


Dr. Jean Link, our cosmetic dental specialist here at Link Dental, pays special attention to patients' goals during treatment planning. She considers how your aesthetic dental work will complement your entire face, not just your smile. She can help you with a full range of services, from teeth whitening and Invisalign® to gum contouring and porcelain veneers.

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1 00:00:06.786 --> 00:00:09.143 Sometimes patients come to me saying, 2 00:00:09.471 --> 00:00:12.829 for example, I want Invisalign or I want veneers. 3 00:00:12.830 --> 00:00:15.540 They come asking me for a particular service. 4 00:00:16.157 --> 00:00:22.214 As I get to talking to them, I realize that what they really want is beauty. 5 00:00:22.970 --> 00:00:28.029 They want it to look great, feel great, function great, and be healthy. 6 00:00:28.300 --> 00:00:34.142 I can help them find the very best way, the most biologically conservative way, 7 00:00:34.342 --> 00:00:39.343 and the least costly way in terms of time and money to get to their goal. 8 00:00:39.570 --> 00:00:43.974 I would say that the very best candidates for cosmetic dentistry 9 00:00:44.129 --> 00:00:48.657 already have a certain level of comfort with their appearance overall. 10 00:00:49.320 --> 00:00:52.086 In other words, they're not looking for four veneers 11 00:00:52.087 --> 00:00:54.520 to change absolutely everything. 12 00:00:54.771 --> 00:00:56.200 They like their life, 13 00:00:56.230 --> 00:01:00.957 and they just want their smile to reflect everything else going on. 14 00:01:01.290 --> 00:01:04.414 In the realm of cosmetic dentistry, 15 00:01:04.914 --> 00:01:08.620 obviously, you want beautiful straight white teeth. 16 00:01:08.621 --> 00:01:10.306 That is very important. 17 00:01:10.880 --> 00:01:13.660 Also, the drape of the soft tissue is important. 18 00:01:13.986 --> 00:01:17.700 If you have a huge smile that shows tons of gums, 19 00:01:18.010 --> 00:01:21.971 sometimes we address the soft tissues maybe with a little bit of Botox. 20 00:01:22.290 --> 00:01:25.686 Also, we think three-dimensionally in your face. 21 00:01:26.010 --> 00:01:29.814 We don't want you to show not enough teeth or too much teeth. 22 00:01:30.057 --> 00:01:31.600 Even if they're straight and white, 23 00:01:31.630 --> 00:01:34.457 it has to be in the proportions of the rest of your face. 24 00:01:35.629 --> 00:01:40.314 We offer a wide range of cosmetic services, 25 00:01:40.543 --> 00:01:44.229 everything from bleaching, veneers, crowns. 26 00:01:44.386 --> 00:01:46.596 Sometimes we have to do gingivectomies 27 00:01:46.597 --> 00:01:50.300 or some gingival plastic, some plastic surgery on the gums 28 00:01:50.543 --> 00:01:52.800 to make the size of the teeth harmonious. 29 00:01:52.971 --> 00:01:55.643 That's all part of a beautiful smile.

Link Dental Colorado

Welcome to Link Dental Colorado in Centennial, CO. Our team of dental professionals is led by Dr. Thomas Reed, Dr. Mark Link, and Dr. Jean Link. We are your link to comprehensive, compassionate, and family-friendly dentistry. Our affiliations include:

  • The American Dental Association (ADA)
  • The Colorado Dental Association (CDA)
  • The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD)
  • The American Academy of Facial Esthetics (AAFE)
  • The Metropolitan Denver Dental Society (MDDS)
  • American Academy of Clear Aligners (AACA)
  • American Society of Implant and Reconstructive Dentistry (ASIRD)
  • American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM)

To request a consultation at our Centennial office, please fill out our form or call us at (303) 773-8262.

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